HTML: HyperText Markup Language, is basically the standard for displaying documents on the web.

XHTML: Extensible HyperText Markup Language, is basically a reformation of html

difference between HTML and XHTML: HTML is part of SGML and XHTML is part of XML.

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets, allows styles such as font, and color.

5 Tips For Web Design: * Minimize clicking, Put as few clicks between your visitor and your information as possible.

*No image backgrounds,
Image backgrounds scream "amateur", because it's mostly amateurish sites that use them

Dont make pages too wide,
If your page doesn't work at 1000 pixels, it's too wide.

Make font large enough to read,
Don't punish your visitors if you want them to actually read your content.

Explain links, When you're able to provide more information about what a link points to, do so.